Part 42: Bush, Reloaded
Update 42: Bush, ReloadedSuddenly, an update!

We resume the adventures of Bush on a nice, sunny Autumn 3rd.
Our mail has already been delivered, so I suppose Anette is in better condition today?

~"A warning against overindulgence." - Lara~
The weather has become pleasantly cool throughout the day.
Food is especially delicious in autumn, so be careful not to overeat.
The best time to stop eating is when you feel about 80% full.
But Bush has to put on the reserve energy for the coming Winter!
Also I do not remember ever seeing this letter.

~"Thank you." - Tabatha~
Thank you for joining Miss Bianca in her outing.
If it pleases you, I would like Master Bush to
join the Little Miss in the future as well.
Which outing is this referring to? The one from the constellation event? The one with Uzuki in the square?

Uneventful mail aside, we water our grass
grass is our only crop

pet the animals for an indeterminate amount of time although their happiness isn't going to get better anyways

I then make a mad dash up to Whale Island, hoping to meet the Irises at the end of their day, but I run out of time.
If you're wondering why the roses have produced a rune despite it not being a full 3x3 of them (once referred to as a "factory"), well...

It's because it's the rune from the tomatoes we also have up here. Sometimes the runes travel to incomplete patches, possibly as something to do with how the game checks for 3x3s.
This happens in multiple games too, so I can only assume it's intentional at this point.

sleepy vampires
(I was just a few minutes late.

LARA: My pen pal made a new friend recently.

BUSH: Oh, the one that entered that school?

LARA: Yes. I felt a bit competitive so I wrote about my own new friends and our conversation really took off.

BUSH: Who is this new friend you're talking about?
Uh, when did this happen again? I somehow remember I didn't know what she was talking about even when I recorded this.
I'm sure she said something about it before.

LARA: Unfortunately, it's not you, Bush.

LARA: I wrote about Eunice and Cinnamon.
ouch, burn
and after all the chocolate cake we've given you too

TABATHA: Don't you think medicinal herbal tea would be good for you?

TABATHA: I would like to try it later!
gonna need some to heal up that sick nun burn

The Anette fans in the thread are probably wondering where she is, so I'll go ahead and stop on by Mist's house.

ANETTE: It's autumn already. All the leaves are red.
They're orange-ish-yellow still, but who am I to argue?

BUSH: Are you doing better, Anette?

ANETTE: Yeah. I was just a bit tired so I'll be fine after resting a little!

ANETTE: I'll just take a break and stay at Mist's place.

BUSH: Is that so? Then you'll be a member of our village now, Anette.

ANETTE: Hey! You're right! I am!
Bush has once again increased the population of the town. Anette will be in here for the next few days before she resumes her mail duties as usual.
I don't know if she'd have any special dialogue with Mist if she was still present, but I guess we'll never know.

ANETTE: You know, I realized something when I came here during my time off.

ANETTE: Even though I was told to go on vacation, I couldn't think of anything to do. Ahahaha.

ANETTE: I mean, you know. There's nothing here so... I had nothing to do.
Bush would invite you to do monster hunting and grinding stats, but you probably need a break from physical exertion.
Fishing, maybe?
Outside of that, there really isn't all that much to do here. Except maybe drink wine and stand around? It's what the entire population of 30 and up does.
I'm just happy she's getting actual vacation time off from her work and schoolwork.

ANETTE: Don't you get excited on days where you can sleep in? I got so excited that I couldn't sleep last night.
I can't sleep
Bush never sleeps in if he can help it. 6:00 AM on the dot- unless a dirt nap is involved of course.

BUSH: What happened to your fishing contest with Cinnamon?

UZUKI: It was a complete defeat on my end. I just cannot understand how she can stay motionless like that.
I thought she was teaching you to fish, not having a contest?

EUNICE: Heehee! ♪

BUSH: Eunice, you sound happy.

EUNICE: Can you tell? I recieved some fresh carrots from Rosetta this morning.

BUSH: Oh...? That's rare for this season.

EUNICE: I'll make some stew with this today.
what do you mean, bush, carrots grow only in this season
Also, I've never seen someone so happy about carrots.

EUNICE: Carrots taste great when they have their edges removed and are cut into bite-size pieces before being stewed.

EUNICE: Try it the next time you cook.

BUSH: So I have to remove the edges? All right.
Apparently bush has just been putting the entire carrot on the sandwiches he makes for Selphy. It must be some big brain culinary auteur thing- we could never understand.

Bush's cooking skill went up!
Joke's on you, game, it can't go any higher.

EUNICE: Work at the inn is hard, but it's fun and certainly worth doing.

EUNICE: But, I don't like dealing with the drunk customers though.

EUNICE: Do you like working in the fields, Bush?

1. Yes, I do.
2. Not really.
I honestly couldn't tell you if Bush enjoys working on farms, I think it's just part of his existence that he engages in with many battle cries.
"farming sim 2008 let's gooooo"

BUSH: Yes, I do. Growing flowers and vegetables gives me pride that I'm actually growing something.

EUNICE: I see. That's good. It'll be terrible if you don't like your own job.
"i'm mostly here for the dialogue"

BUSH: Not really.

EUNICE: Oh, really? That's too bad.
I would say the final answer is no, because Runeys.

DANNY: I wonder what happened to Rosetta's dad's illness...

DANNY: All I can do is stay here and keep the shop open.
Good on ya, Danny, although I guess this is just your job anyways.
It's worth noting that his greeting has changed to be more confident than it was before, kinda similar to how it was when he was in charge of his own store.
I might've glossed over it, but up until this point and since going out of business, it was changed to be sorta melancholy. Similarly related, Uzuki also sorta speaks a bit more naturally now compared to how she did when we first met (though this could just be a localization inconsistency).

GANESHA: Hm... I think my arms got thicker again...

BUSH: Really? You're very thin. You don't look fat to me at all.

GANESHA: Ahaha... Thanks. But in my case, my arms get thicker because of muscle. It's inevitable in this job.
Despite the brutal daily physical workout Bush engages in, he will never ascend beyond pasty anime boy physique.
You'd think having nearly 50 logging skill would do something, but alas

SELPHY: Autumn is really great. It's not hot and it's not cold either.
Best part about it, really.

SELPHY: Hmmm hmm hmmm! ♪

SELPHY: Hey, Bush! Look! I bought a new book! I can't wait to see what it's about!

BUSH: Didn't you just read that book the other day?
Yeah, you've been going on about this book for a while, what's the deal?

SELPHY: Of course not! I never forget about which books I read.

SELPHY: There are plenty of books with similar titles so maybe you mistook it for that?

BUSH: Oh...
That thing about similar titles will actually be relevant info in not too long.

SELPHY: Being here and reading when I feel like it is good because I don't have to learn stupid things or meet weird people...

SELPHY: This place is like paradise to me...
Selphy is only interested in intellectual conversation about the practical topics of fantasy romance and the occasional collection of adventures across the world, everything else threatens her subsistence on pure knowledge.

Heya, Pony! It's great to see you again!

I say this because this is the start of me picking this LP back up after a long
It's been long enough I have no idea what I'm doing, so I guess I'm on the same level as Bush for a few updates!
The LP commentary will likely be somewhat different than it was, but hopefully I can keep it similarly entertaining. Style changes over time, after all, and I was still trying to both find my own footing in LP and SA in general when I first started.
To go with this, I did also go back and update all the really early updates to use the newer portrait formatting (plus a bit of other formatting) to try and make it more consistent across the LP. I didn't touch my old commentary though, it's the same as it was, for better or worse.
Now then...

Brodik will be spending a lot of time out of sight. He's not a very sociable person. The note on his house just tells us to go away.

Off to the villa then. Bush has nothing better to do than to chat people up all day, right?

(Brodik has nothing to do with this, this is just another case of a track getting used more elsewhere than it's namesake.)

MINERVA: Why?! You only care about that mansion and Bianca!

MINERVA: You don't care about me or the nation of elves!

TABATHA: I never said that. I just said that I can't go back just yet.

MINERVA: Then when are you coming back? We don't have a queen in the nation of elves right now!

MINERVA: We can't leave everything to the elders forever! Come back home!
What's Tabatha supposed to do about that? Are the elves using some sort of electoral monarch-
Oh. Oh. I see.

TABATHA: I said I can't go back yet.

MINERVA: You're just trying to weasel out of it! Do you know how long it's been since I came to this village?

TABATHA: Well...
uh two days
(I've accidentally pushed Tabatha's LP faster than intended, it seems.)

Also Bush decides this is now a fine time to waltz on into the conversation.

MINERVA: I haven't given up yet!

Aaand so she leaves.

BUSH: Tabatha, are you going to return to your country?

TABATHA: I cannot return just yet. I am Miss Bianca's maid.

BUSH: But...

TABATHA: Bush... Please do not speak of this matter to Miss Bianca.

TABATHA: Please...

Ah, but it looks like she might have overheard already...

BIANCA: Tabatha...

Well then, it seems Tabatha has quite the hidden past! It's definitely an expansion on her motivations in RF1, where she's trying to find someone who appreciates monsters and who can "bridge the gap between humans and elves." She doesn't tell you much more than that, from what I remember.

Anyways, have some inedible ash on a plate, Minerva.

MINERVA: I'm going to take Sister back with me to the nation of the elves!
So it seems! Only time will tell how this resolves. I have a feeling it will most likely involve Bush's intervention.

MINERVA: Don't you think Anette's necklace is unusual? It's not sold in stores.

MINERVA: You know... It's actually made with a fruit that grows only in the forest of the elves.

MINERVA: Maybe I should make one, too. I'll go request it after I finish my job with Sister.

BUSH: You're not going to make it?

MINERVA: Well...the only fruit or nuts you can get here are chestnuts...

MINERVA: The chestnuts here taste really good so I always end up eating them when I'm trying to dry them...
Ann's necklace is an acorn. A golden acorn. I guess elf-land has acorn shaped fruit, unless that's just another translation mishap.

MINERVA: I'm bored...

MINERVA: Hey, Bush! Take me somewhere!
Alas poor Minerva, unaware that the gods once known as Neverland decreed her undateable. Perhaps in a later installment, if the new pantheon remembers that you exist.

MINERVA: Oh, good day to you...

BIANCA: What are you doing? You don't usually talk like that.

MINERVA: Can't I even try something new?!

MINERVA: I want to be like Sister!
Despite her reason for being here and the tension caused from it, Minerva really does like her sister.

BIANCA: There is a food called "Bavarois." I'd like to try it once.

BIANCA: Bring it to me if you find it, but I won't hold my breath.
I don't think this is an item in the game. Could be wrong though.
Also, I have no idea how Bianca heard Minerva from all the way in here. That's some excellent hearing. Or maybe poor architectural design?

BUSH: Is there anything you don't like, Bianca?

BIANCA: Let's see... I hate things that are unnecessarily frugal. Like...rice balls.
I believe this is the only gift that does affect her FP/LP. Negatively, too. What onigiri based traumatic event happened in her past? We shall never know.
It's also just as likely she's giving the first thing that comes to mind because she really just doesn't like any gifts.

BUSH: There's monster-food inside.

BIANCA: Francoise only gets the best food there is.
Only level 10 fodder will do for Franswah.

ERIK: I heard that Anette moved in with Mist.

ERIK: But, she doesn't look that happy. I hope it's just my imagination...
Mist is still in Gelwein's hyperspace or something. Neither are having a great time of it right about now.

After this, it's off to the Lava Ruins clearing some land. I forget what for.

Ah, right, just clearing land for wood farming.

And so Bush does that for a while. I think we were trying to get the house upgrade?

And of course, Magic Crystal farming.
3 hours of farming gets us nothing. It seems we shall be workin' in the mage mines tomorrow as well.

Ey, Melody! Perfect baths as usual!

One thing that has changed in my absence is that I know more about onsen and bathhouses. It's surprisingly hard to find info on operational matters, but there's some fun cultural stuff.
It was one of those "look up one thing, fall down a rabbit hole of research" type deals.
So I guess I get to share that now?

Nab a gift for Kross on the way up to the Irises...

Had no Tomato Juice, so flower it is

(probably need to chill on their LP gain anyways sheesh)

IRIS NOIRE: When I close my eyes while looking at the night sky, it feels like I'm fusing into the heavens.

IRIS NOIRE: It feels as if I'm swimming with the stars. I really love that feeling.
For me it just triggers my fear of falling. Like I'm going to suddenly fly into the sky or something. But this is cool too.

utterly destroyed by a giant mango or whatever it is
Pony as always, extremely MVP for letting us just zip up the tail tree.

We of course, seek wood.
Not that kind, get your mind out of the dirt. We sleep on that dirt face-down, thank you very much.

I do give the inside of the tower a shot. On our list of final goals to consider Bush's adventure done, clearing this place is one of them.

These ghost enemies throw multi-hitting projectiles that hurt a decent bit given they can combo for 100. At least we're not staggered by it, but they do a number on Pony.

The upper layer is a lot of staircases back down into other towers. There's a shortcut up here somewhere I'm trying to find.

To the south are more ghost recolors, what I believe is the Hades, and even the High Orc monsters, both of which are recolors in blue.

Further south we've got the buffamoo and weagle recolors and a collapsed entrance (no reaction to our hammer)...
The cow I believe is the Buffazoo, and the bird a Blackbird. Despite being blue.

To the left from there brings us to the staircase that leads to the Tower of Plenty.

There's Blood Panthers in here, so I bail in a heartbeat
those things did not need as much of a glow-up as they got

North from there is a grown over staircase, with a path continuing north or a route to the east.

We go north and meet a Minotaur King. Path continues north or goes up a staircase to our northeast.

Staircase it is!

I decide to grab the lumber from there and call it for the day. We shall get that shortcut another day.

And that's all for Autumn 3rd.
um what

BUSH: ...Who could it be?
I guess we go outside and see who it is?

*Bush stands around looking as a familiar light haired dude dashes silently away over the bridge.*
Can't believe this dude tried to hit us with the ol' doorbell and bail prank. Not even mad, this is a really pretty angle. I forgot how good this game can look sometimes.

Anyways, that IS all for this time. Only a single day, yeah, but we're just getting back into the swing of things. There's a lot of back end work I had to do here, merging content from my old workflow with my new one.
Can say though, working pretty well! Glad to be back with Bush and this strange little town.

BUSH: Huzza-wha? What's going on?

MYSTERY: Oh thank St. Poli, he finally woke up.

BUSH: Oh, hey.

MYSTERY: That's all you've got to say after 7 months of non-stop sleep? "Oh, hey?" Really?

MYSTERY: *sigh* I suppose it doesn't really matter. Ratings have never been higher, for some reason.

BUSH: Hrm, where was I? Oh, yes, Summer 14th, three weeks into the International Runey Wars. Arch-Empress Tabatha was-

MYSTERY: That's... nowhere close to being right.